Yes, after searching for a whole .01 part of a second I found some stories about the famous behaving, well, badly. Hey, it’s Saturday and St. Patrick’s Day!


Mrs. Sting: Global Warming For You, But Not For Me.
More monumentally hot and cloying hypocrisy from the Famous Set. This sort of behavior is going to destroy our world as we know it. If something isn’t done soon by all us Carbon-footprinting American rubes, it’s gonna get really, really hot. And muggy. But only for us, not for them.


Heather posing, not dancing.

Heather Mills Stuck on 911
The estranged wife of Paul McCartney apparently thinks everything is an emergency and has been calling England’s 911 system a bit too much. So much they’re asked her to stop. I think the last call involved the difficulty of trying to dance with one leg and hoping it won’t fly off. Wanna bet on that?



Angelina Jolie Buys Another Trophy Kid
And must feel four-times more special and needed. Is it just me, or is there something wrong with what’s she’s doing? When she went to pick him up he cried. A lot. Didn’t like the cameras and attention. Well, he better get used to it. She has now announced that she’s going to stay home to get him used to being in his new family. Oh, and she’s going to try to learn some Vietnamese so they can communicate. How nice.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ashleymatt says:

    Angelina Jolie’s beauty has been a curse to her in that it has allowed her to continue in public life even when it is clear that she is seriously in need of help. Any normal American woman who admitted to being a former “cutter”, being into sadomasochism, wearing a vile of her then husband’s blood around her neck, and stating that she finds it hard to be affectionate with her biological child would not retain custody of her children, let alone be allowed to buy more children. This poor lady belongs in an inpatient facility; instead, she’s hailed as the archetypal sex symbol of our time. Sad.

  2. pat_s says:

    Not in keeping with the chick theme, but still a hypocritical celebrity, Kanye—“Bush doesn’t care about black people”–West had a meal helicoptered from a restaurant in Cardiff, Wales to Heathrow then flown to a Manhattan business meeting. Big deal, another pampered celebrity, you say. After all, Bono had his favorite hat flown first class from London to Italy. Kanye is signed up for Al Gore’s Live Earth concert to raise money for global climate change awareness. Awareness for you and me to dutifully stand at a bus stop in sub-zero temperatures while the Elites use 747’s for lunch pails

  3. predoc says:

    I think Jolie’s goal is to be the first person to buy a child from every country on this earth. I am so saddened for the children.

  4. SteveOk says:

    I don’t feel sorry for Paul M. He is in his 60s and married a woman in her 30s, duh. What’s that all about? If he gets shaken down for half his estate maybe he will learn to not jump in bed with the next pretty face. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

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