Ah, the life of a MalNar. Me, me, me, me, meeeeeeee!

Here’s an AP video report (it takes a second to load) about the current behavior and habits of the MalNar when its environment is disturbed by the rare but amusing Frothy Blond Bird. [Tell me what you think of this video clip service, btw. There’s a commercial stuck at the beginning, but I think it provides another resource for info. Thoughts?].

It must be interesting the commit the sin of reminding a MalNar like O’Donnell that there are other people and other opinions out there in the world. It’s at least nice to see it happen. It’s also a good lesson to see what MalNars do when confronted, even by the reticent, they fall down like a very large house of cards.

On a video blog posting on her site (why does she insist on having her girth reproduced on camera?) O’Donnell also declares that it was the use of a “split screen” showing both her and Hasselbeck during the argument on The View that was the final straw. She says it made the show look like Jerry Springer. As opposed to her making it look like the Twilight Zone.

Hey, she should have been grateful for that split screen, it made her look exactly half her size. At the same time, it gave equal status to someone else, and we all know for MalNars, where every single thing has to be about them, that’s a big no-no.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Rosie O’Donnell says she may never speak to Elisabeth Hasselbeck again.

    Lucky Elisabeth! Now….if only she will never speak to the rest of America again. Just what does one have to do to get on Rosie’s permanent sh*t-list?

  2. pat_s says:

    No Rosie, it’s over when you’re on a web cam. Maybe you can go help Cindy fold the lawn chairs at Camp Casey.

    The clip service looks interesting. An ad for the National Guard ran when I played it. What a contrast seeing those decent, honorable men and women compared to that eyesore. Was she supposed to be a pirate?

  3. helpunderdog says:

    Antonk – good one!!

  4. supermanshzm77 says:

    Something nobody has mentioned…Rosie’s arrogant attitude when Elizabeth gave her the opportunity to clarify her remark about the 650,000 dead. Rosie acted shocked that Elizabeth “gave” her the opportunity to clarify her remarks…as if nobody could ever “give” her anything, or that she needed anything (from a blond conservative).
    Arrogant MalNar

  5. PeteRFNY says:

    This just heard in the Hasselback household: “Yippee!”.

  6. Lib85 says:

    Talk radio and the blogosphere still give waaaay too much exposure to O’Donnell. They are almost obsessed. Repeat after me, “O’Donnell is irrelevant.”

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