This story, like the earlier two attempted London car bombings, changes by the hour. All the reports, while identifying the attack as terrorist, still only identify the attackers as “Asian-looking.” Eyewitnesses and hero member of the public describe one of the car bombers as shouting “Allah!” every time he threw a punch. The latest report is the English police are now linking this attack with the two attempted car bombs in London.

Here’s video from a Fox report, with one of the Scottish men who helped subdue the savages. His accent is adorable, just listen closely and you’ll be able to understand what he says. At the end the fellow notes that the Scottish love everyone and he doesn’t understand why someone would want to bomb Glasgow. It’s specifically because we’re in a war with an Islamic death Cult which especially hates the happy, optimistic who live civilized lives. That’s why no city and no people are immune from this enemy.

ABC’s The Blotter
is reporting that we had intelligence 2-weeks ago that an airport in Glasgow would be targeted.

U.S. law enforcement officials received intelligence reports two weeks ago warning of a possible terror attack in Glasgow against “airport infrastructure or aircraft,” a senior US law enforcement officials tells the Blotter on

The intelligence reports also warned that airports and aircraft in the Czech Republic could be the targets of al Qaeda-connected terrorists.

The warnings were kept secret for operational reasons, according to officials. In public, the White House and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff have continued to maintain they know of no specific or credible threats involving the United States, even though the intelligence reports specify US aircraft as possible targets.

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sick and tired of being patronized by Skeletor, who every now and then breaks away from his main job as Amnesty Lobbyist to indulge in his Homeland Security hobby. If I hear one more time that Homeland Security knows of no credible threats to this nation, we must begin to ask, Why they hell, then, are we engaging in a War on Terror if there’s no known threats?

For those of you who have travel plans for the 4th of July, give yourself extra time this weekend. We’ve beefed up security at many transport hubs–airports of course, as well as train stations.


CNN is reporting that while two people were arrested at the airport, a third person has now been discovered–his dead body still in the bomber jeep at the airport.

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RandyGrHa says:

    There is consistency in the Bush policies on amnesty and terror. They see us as fragile beings who must be carefully guided by their betters. The amnesty bill was drawn up behind closed doors, without committee hearings, and we are still kept in the dark about terror threats. Hope Bush enjoys his lobster. Randy.

  2. David Jerome says:

    I read this in a Yahoo! story on the foiled car bombs….

    “Police subdued the driver and a passenger, both described by witnesses as South Asian — a term used to refer to people from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries in the region.”

    …..these would-be car bombers are probably home-grown,yet still I know that the British government will not go after the source of this idealogy,namely the imams in the local mosques and the hatred they preach to their followers. How are we ever going to destroy the radical Islamists if we’re too politically correct to lay the blame on a particular race or religion??

  3. Trinity says:

    Don’t you know Tammy, this is a “bumper sticker war”. UGH. I watched in non disbelief as the events unfolded today; and yes, my ire grew. I am as frustrated as you about Homeland Security. They treat us as if we are too fragile to hear the truth; or to stupid to understand it. The threat it real (see bomb explode for reference) yet, we and the British are told to ‘go about our business’. Our business should be to crush these evil thugs, united as one. Be safe everyone.

  4. Mike says:

    Fascinating indeed. What continues to amaze me is the utter, dumbfounded surprise on the faces of people who think that terrorists will only attack Americans, or Republicans, or that they, by virtue of their liberal, environmental, political persuasion and support for terrorism are somehow immune from terrorism. Say something nasy about President Bush, and you’re immunized against terrorism!

    Remember the shock expressed the by UN, who, after establishing a headquarters in Iraq early in the latest Iraq war were bombed by the enemy (remember their scampering, cockroach-like, out of the country immediately thereafter)? I suppose one couldn’t blame them too much. After all, until then, the UN was seen by the terrorists as allies, if not mere enablers, and there was generally a tacit understanding between the minions of the UN and terrorists that the UN was off limits.

    No more. These terrorists aren’t Arafatians who want to destroy Israel, yes, and America too, but more than anything want to fatten their numbered Swiss bank accounts. These guys and gals want blood, and they’re not terribly discriminating in whose blood it is.

    That our enemies have not, in these attacks, been terribly competent or successful should do nothing but renew our determination to kill them as quickly and completely as possible. After all, when they’re attacking us without significant result, they’re doing nothing less than engaging in target practice. That should not make us feel more comfy, should it? Better to deal with them now, before they become better shots.

  5. PeteRFNY says:

    Thankfully, terrorists keep proving my theory that they are nothing more than incompetent idiots that just happened to get lucky one very unfortunate day.

    Good thing we’re preoccupied in this country by more important matters like giving amnetsy to illegals and where Paris Hilton is spending her time these days.

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