Great timing with loosening up the airplane rules. Those goofy foodies, After all, we do prefer our cheese a little warm and melty.

TSA Warns Airport Security About Terror Dry Runs

Airport security officers around the nation have been alerted by federal officials to look out for terrorists practicing to carry explosive components onto aircraft, based on four curious seizures at airports since last September…

The bulletin said the passengers carrying the suspicious items seized since September included men and women [and believe you me, if they were Swedish Christians that part of the description would have been included, so I guess we’re just going to have to take wild guesses about other profile factors–ed.] and that initial investigation had not linked them with criminal or terrorist organizations. But it added that most of their explanations for carrying the items were suspicious and some were still under investigation.

The four seizures were described this way:

— San Diego, July 7. A U.S. person — either a citizen or a foreigner legally here — checked baggage containing two ice packs covered in duct tape. The ice packs had clay inside them rather than the normal blue gel.

— Milwaukee, June 4. A U.S. person’s carryon baggage contained wire coil wrapped around a possible initiator, an electrical switch, batteries, three tubes and two blocks of cheese. The bulletin said block cheese has a consistency similar to some explosives.

— Houston, Nov. 8, 2006. A U.S. person’s checked baggage contained a plastic bag with a 9-volt battery, wires, a block of brown clay-like minerals and pipes.

— Baltimore, Sept. 16, 2006. A couple’s checked baggage contained a plastic bag with a block of processed cheese taped to another plastic bag holding a cellular phone charger.

Well, we would need lighters for fondue, right? While we’re at it, why don’t we allow box cutters back on too? After all, it’s the easiest way to slice open all that cheese. Because none of this could have anything to do with terrorism, right? Nothing at all.

One last point about what is not reported: please notice how none of these four incidents from late year made it into the news. In fact, we’re only hearing about them now because NBC got their hands on an internal TSA document, which they are desperate to downplay. None of this was meant to be shared with the flying public.

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. theendisnear says:

    Tammy: It’s yet another of Debbie Schlussel’s “Guess the Religion” fun games. Why the hell we cannot even bring ourselves (if we’re bureauweenies, anyway) to name our enemy is beyond me.

    Use “Islamofascist” if you’re scared to say “Muslim,” bureauweenies! Oh, I forgot, our own Congress and Defense Department are saying there are no Islamofascists — now I feel better, just knowing that! Much safer, too!

  2. Airdale says:

    And my Missus wonders why I refuse to fly commercial airlines anymore!

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