
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, after his capture in Pakistan (of course)

I’ll have to take another 1/2 Tylenol PM tonight to get over this news. Isn’t it fascinating, though, how the Establishment Media remains obsessed with recasting Islamist terrorists as victims? Or, more accurately, the United States as the villain? It still astounds me the EM still thinks Americans can be brainwashed into believing we’re the bad guys. Or maybe they think the far-left is indeed the only audience they have remaining.

New Yorker: CIA Tactics Amount To Torture

Magazine: The CIA Used Techniques Equivalent To Torture While Interrogating 9/11 Mastermind

The Central Intelligence Agency used “enhanced interrogation techniques” synonymous with torture while interrogating September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, according to a New Yorker article that appears on newsstands Monday.

After Mohammed’s capture in Pakistan in 2003, the CIA detained him at one of several secret overseas prisons, known as “black sites,” and subjected him to unusually harsh treatment…


It was under these interrogation methods that Mohammed confessed to 31 criminal plots, including the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was captured in 2002 in Pakistan and beheaded, Jane Mayer reports in the New Yorker…

“The Red Cross went in and got to interview these people for the first time,” said Mayer on the CBS Evening News. “What these people described was hanging from the ceilings by their arms and being water-boarded, partially drowned, put on leashes and knocked into walls and basically deprived of all kinds of sensory imagery for years.”


Let’s see, the mastermind of September 11th and al-Qaida terror leader deprived of sensory stuff. Sorta like when you cut someone’s head off? Or what the people in the WTC experienced? Or the terror the kids at the Beslan school felt before they were shot in the back? Oh wait, their sensory deprivation is forever. Big difference there. Oh yeah, and none of those people were mass murderers, planning more mass murder.

Yeah, cry me a river and then throw away the effin key, until we need to drag his sorry ass out so we can arrange that meeting with Allah.

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