Over at Frontpage, David Horowitz’s Terrorism Awareness Project has an excellent video providing the truth about the history of Israel, Arab terrorism and Jimmy Carter’s lies about Jews and the state of Israel. It provides much needed historical background that we can all use as things continue to heat up in the Middle East.

Link to it here, but be warned, there are some graphic images of the results of terrorist violence.

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Rod says:

    Manny years ago I was a conservative D; like Ronnie. (president of my college YD) The last D I voted for for President was Jimmy! I have been kicking myself in the as* for 31 years!@#$%!

    Jimmy has to have been the worst President ever! Even worse than the jellyfish we have now!

    I am very sorry I did not vote for Ford! Jimmy, like many “progressives” in *both* parties is a Jew hater; plain and simple.

  2. PeteRFNY says:

    Powerful stuff. Not very hard to figure out why Jimmy Carter was responsible for my mother dropping the “D” and re-registering as a Republican in 1979.

  3. Marie says:

    Sobering, scarey and it infuriates me that he is still allowed to participate in any type of world politics.

    We should be ashamed of ourselves.

  4. Jimmy Carter’s record for never having ever made a correct decision still stands. From giving away the Panama Canal to the allowing of the Iranian “students” to take Americans hostage in Tehran, his ability to completely miss the point is the stuff of legend.
    Back in the late 1970s I, along with a lot of other Americans, believed that the country needed to see how bad it could get so we could sweep Ronald Reagan into power to usher in an era of prosperity that even 2 Bushes and a Clinton couldn’t completely destroy.
    I don’t think we will be so lucky if we let H-thing in the White House next year. I don’t know if the country has 4 years to spare to learn the same lesson of 1976.
    I remember Barry Goldwater at the 1980 Republican convention telling the crowd that it was imperative to nominate and elect Ronald Reagan or, as he put it, this may well be the last convention we ever see.
    That was back when we had 2 distinct parties of course.

  5. ConnecticutBruce says:

    As I have said numerous times, jimmy carter is the “Midwife of Islamofascism.”

    damn him

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