Ashley thinks Ashley is sensitive and incredible and unstoppable. And really sensitive and special. And really caring. And special. Yes, everything in the world comes down to showing Ashley how important and sensitive she is. Because she cares. And she gets really mad because she loves. She’s angry and loving, at the same time. Because of injustice, which is her Nemesis. Which is why she’s an actress and not in the Peace Corp right now, or in the military, or working as a social worker. Because she’s unstoppable. And loving. Since forever.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Not to mention her sensitivity to poverty is the reason she has to hang out in the very expensive environments seen through out the clip.

  2. josai says:

    Coming from a motorsports perspective, her in laws, the Franchitti’s are BILLIONAIRES in Scotland. Nothing says we care about poverty more than an actress married to a race car driver. Those two could teach Mother Teresa a thing or two. Wow, the mercury in the malnar thermometer just exploded through the roof!

  3. RagingBullmoose says:

    Tammy, I want the 47 seconds I wasted by watching Judd-head’s vacuous musings back!

    Just because she’s cute doesn’t mean you have to put her vapid demagouging on here.

    Is it BECAUSE she’s cute?

    Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the blathering or visages of any uggos around here, which IS kinda refreshing, and I thank you for that.

    What’s up with that? Some kind of Plame Rule or something that states: “No matter how vapid, vacuous, morally bankrupt, or malignantly narcissistic a woman may be, if she’s hot, she gets face time.”?

  4. Ripper says:

    Another incredibly beautiful woman (and good actress) who has an IQ of an ashtray (Ashley has an IQ of an ashtray?). She made a comment earlier in the year that she “would not breed as long as poverty existed in the world” or something inane like that.

  5. Jack Bauer says:

    ICONOCLAST — don’t these ignorant dopes even know the meaning of the word?

    From my OED: Iconoclast (noun) a person who attacks cherished beliefs or established values or practises.

    How can you be an iconoclast when you’re part of the orthdoxy — integral to the Hollywood establishment.

    People like Ashely Judd are not iconoclasts, they’re total CONFORMISTS.

    They go along with the liberal herd that is prevelant throughout the arts, the media, and academia.

    Ashley Judd is about as iconoclastic as a packet of M&Ms.

    The born again conservative John Voight, on the other hand — now in Hollywood he’s the iconoclast.

  6. Sean H. says:

    What else are we to expect from Robert Redford’s Sundance Channel?

  7. flownover says:

    Pass the Grey Goose, stet !

  8. Rain says:

    LOL! You have to admit, Ashely Judd is a good actress, and good to look at.

    Have you read the comments Will Smith made in regards to Hitler? Absolutely disgusting.

  9. Mockarena says:

    Tammy – I loved this snippet and couldn’t agree more with you and most of the posters here. The exception being the last person who commented on Will Smith – he took his quotes totally out of context, and Ashley Judd is NOT a good actress. 🙂

    I have a whole I Hate Ashley Judd category listing at There you’ll find proof that she’s also not really that good to look at without a lot of help from airbrushing and stylists.

    And an iconoclast? Please.

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