Surprise: Just as England decided it would completely ban conventional light bulbs, we’re finding the supposedly environmentally and human-friendly fluorescent bulbs are more dangerous and damaging than conventional bulbs ever were. According to experts, fluorescents cause migraines, exacerbate skin conditions and provoke seizures. Oh yeah, and with that mercury in them, they’re also a Hazardous Waste.

Maybe this news will get Algore another Nobel Peace Prize. After all, if the plans to stop Global Warming kill off a good section of humanity, All-Mans-Fault-Global-Warming, by default, will be slowed or stopped. Yeehaw!

BBC: Low-energy bulbs ’cause migraine

The Migraine Action Association says members have told them how fluorescent bulbs have led to attacks. Concerns have already been raised by epilepsy charities about an increased risk of seizures from energy-saving bulbs…”These bulbs do trigger migraines for some of our members – it’s either the flickering, or the low intensity of the light, causing eye strain.

“We would ask the government to avoid banning them completely, and still leave some opportunity for conventional bulbs to be purchased.”

BBC: Low-energy bulbs ‘worsen rashes’

Fluorescent bulbs can exacerbate skin rashes in people with photosensitive skin conditions, experts said…Health conditions which can involve some form of light sensitivity, include the auto-immune disease lupus, the genetic disorder Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP), certain forms of eczema and dermatitis, photosensitivity, and porphyria.

BBC: Low-energy bulb disposal warning

Low-energy bulbs contain small amounts of poisonous mercury and are classed as hazardous waste.

If one breaks, the room should be aired and the pieces removed in a sealed bag without using a vacuum cleaner.

The agency says householders need to be given more information about where to take the bulbs for safe recycling.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Free Radical says:

    Anyone who works in a commercial office building has been exposed to fluorescent lighting for at least eight hours a day, five days a week, year after year. While some of the objections raised may be valid for a few people, the complaints strike me as mere obstructionism from people who choose to expend their daily quota of a**holism by attacking fluorescents.

    I replaced my incandescents with fluorescents some 20 years ago and will never go back. The only side effect has been a lower power bill.

    While they contain small amounts of mercury, even a klutz like me has not smashed one in 20 years. Besides, lower power consumption at least partially compensates for this by not releasing as much mercury from coal burning power plants into the environment.

  2. St. Thor says:

    And one of the biggest reasons for the fluorescent light bulb’s new political success is the sloppy, intellectually dishonest, shallow, green-weenie approach by GE’s CEO.

  3. josai says:

    Boy that was a close one. I almost threw out a regular bulb. I sure am glad Al “Papa Earth” Gore is here to save me from myself with these oh so safe mercury bulbs. For a while there I was afraid that I was pollluting but now I can sleep better knowing that I’ll have several mercury filled poison bombs in my home. Thanks Papa Al, the check is in the mail. I do make it out to Capital Investment Managment correct?

  4. botg says:

    And why don’t you use a vacuum cleaner? Because it puts mercury vapor in the air. Do you really think anyone can get mercury out of a rug without a vacuum? Since the mercury will not go anywhere, you can not vacuum the rug ever again. We will all become mad as a hatter. Thank-you goracle.

  5. Now to stock up on boot-leg incandescent light bulbs!!

    What they don’t tell you is that all of the dimmer switches I just put in my house don’t work with those Gore bulbs. grrr

  6. Young American says:

    I am baffled how we have survived thus and the generation before us with all these inventions of ours that spell nothing but gloom and doom for this irresponsible and self absorbed human race. Ah, we’re our own worst enemy !!

  7. pat_s says:

    The anti-litter campaign turned into the environmental movement. Buckle your seat belt was initially a suggestion. No smoking was originally please refrain from smoking. Give the control freaks an inch and they’ll take over the planet, in case you haven’t noticed yet. They won’t be happy even when we live in barracks, wear Mao uniforms and love Big Brother.

  8. Scottie says:

    Why do these “good ideas” always have to be coerced by goverment action in the Land of the Free?

    BTW, the heat from incandescent bulbs isn’t wasted during the winters here in the Heartland. If all of the bulbs were flourescent, the furnace would have to pick up the slack for the difference. So flourescent bulb really arent’ saving energy, but rather shifting the burden to another source.

  9. Lori Heine says:

    These “Dairy Queen” bulbs — as I like to call them (as they look just like those really swirly vanilla cones) — cast a decidedly gloomy light. They are also hugely, ridiculously expensive. If I wanted to go nuts and replace all my bulbs with those, they’d amount to half my grocery bill.

    Why is it that “progressives” always push ideas that the average working stiff can’t afford? It’s the same with their high-minded “natural food” markets. I guess they simply love the poor so much they want everybody to be poor.

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