UPDATE: The segment will actually air in the first segment, just after the opening Talk Points memo.

The subject will include the Hillary RFK comment, which I’m feeling less concerned about (while it still deserves the Head Shake), compared to Barack Obama’s plans to destroy this country economically while simultaneously disarming us.

That, and more, I’m sure. Not sure when the segment will hit. As soon as I know I’ll update this post. Hope you can tune in 🙂

Maynard’s update: Here’s the clip. After the recent out-of-control slug-fests, all participants are on (temporary) good behavior. When her counterpart is speaking and Tammy lapses into polite silence, notice her eye-catching arsenal of facial expressions.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. marleed says:

    Those who do not learn from history or can’t even remember it are condemned to either repeat it or screw things up even worse!

    Both Hillary and Barack have a problem in this area. They both don’t quite remember events they either lived through, or they didn’t pay attention in history class. At the very least Little Barak wasn’t listening very well at Grandma’s knee as she told tales of Uncle Whatshisname and The Good War.

    I agree that Hillary’s faulty recall is a bit less troubling that Baracks. But the question is, do we want either of them in charge of our collective futures?

    I know I don’t!

  2. storytold says:

    Speaking of political gaffes,has anybody heard about the latest Obama misstatement?? Here it is,courtesy of Rush…

  3. lnbee says:

    You and the other guest were right, and O’Reilly was completely wrong on this. All she was doing was using the June date to make a point about the time line. That’s all. The press has completely taken this way too far!! Ridiculous.

  4. nunya biznes says:

    Tammy’s comment on the O’Reilly Factor tonight was correct regarding Hillary’s past key statements (oddly) focused on Chelsea jogging around the world trade center, Hillary having to dodge sniper fire, or RFK’s assassination. Hillary does not mention anything casually, everything is scripted. She is a calculating woman, who is trying to bolster her image as being able and qualified to make tough decisions without flinching. She is akin to a small child in a superman suit on “pretend” day.

  5. Padre Steve says:

    I hope the mainstream media takes notice of all of this. I am sure they won’t, but hopefully voters will come to understand that Obama is not the superhero the media wants him to be! We have to pray the voters take notice by November! God bless! Padre Steve

  6. Kimj7157 says:

    Your expressions made the segment. Such a welcome contrast to the “one note samba” from Greene–that (irritating) smile for no apparent reason.

    The hypocrisy of the outrage from the Left is ridiculous in this. Her comment was tasteless and stupid, but at least Hillary wasn’t wishing anyone dead, which the Left seems to be okay with as long as a Conservative is the target.

    The best thing about this extended contest is that the two Dems are showing–over and over and over again–what they are really made of. And it ain’t perty.

  7. Jack Bauer says:

    Barack Obama


    Senator Barack Obama releases 2008 Christmas Message early…

    “At this December time of the year, when we celebrate the death of Christ on the cross, who died so that we could have free speech, I think of the children opening their Christmas presents of Easter eggs and cute Bunnies.. blah, blah, blah… ignorant waffle… hope… waffle… change… waffle…”

  8. pat_s says:

    Tammy is right that Hillary tends toward the macabre in her choice of imagery. Perhaps there’s a dour pessimism at the core of this woman or maybe she thinks some sympathy will attach to her if she associates herself with tragedy. We’ve been culturally indoctrinated into a perverse admiration for victimhood. The other side of that is exaggerated indignation.

    According to O’Reilly we live in a climate that can’t handle this kind of talk because of all the psychopaths ready to ignite. Come on, let’s not get hysterical. I’m sick and tired of hearing the American people maligned by the elites. We’re portrayed as needy children, victims, idiots or psychologically disturbed.

    The American people are not the great unwashed who need direction from the Brahmans. The best thing that could happen to the country is to unshackle common sense and have the American people tell the self-appointed wise and world-savers to get off our backs.

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Time Program Note: Originally, I thought I would be on near the end of the hour, now it looks like it’s the segment right after his Talking Points Memo, at the top of the hour.

We’ll be talking about Hillary and recurring accusations of racism from the Obama camp, which, IMHO, is another desperate attack by the Obama camp against a woman who has no intention of being bullied out of the race. So instead they think continuing to attempt to smear her will do the trick. In all honesty, why is recognizing and talking about the fact that Obama gets 92% of the black vote not racist, but Hillary mentioning the breakdown of her vote is racist? Well, it’s not, of course. The Obama camp saw the false racism accusation work against Geraldine Ferraro (not that we believed it, but she did go away) Perhaps they think somehow, someway, it will make Hillary disappear. I think they have another thing coming and they had better get used to the fact that their Thought Police tactics won’t work on everyone.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. mrfixit says:

    Hillary should slug it out all the way to the convention. Nothing has changed statistically at all in the last 6 months. Neither has it sewn up.

    They are both only going to get one bite at this apple. As Obama gets better known as time goes on, he will be less appealing. Hillary will be four or 8 years older, which may or may not hurt her. She’s being beaten up for stating the obvious, which is that she has a broader base of appeal among Dems. She has more blue collar types, and union types, more main stream moderate and conservative leaning dems in her camp, and she will also get the “automatic” dem voters, namely blacks, socialists, geriatrics, and such. Obama’s constituency does not reach very far beyond the dem core.

  2. DemKR says:

    How dare Hillary challenge the chosen one on anything. She must be silenced!

  3. usaguys says:

    Great job on Oreilly tonight. You know how it is with the reverse racists… they are trained to talk louder so you cant inject some sanity. She has a history of this crud as does that other Loon Professor from Temple University. After those two talk, I am not sure if I need a drink or a shower.

    I did laughed at the face you made when that chick was yapping away making no sense at all. You Cant debate ‘Stuck on Stupid’. You are a class act. The viewers saw that as usual.

  4. Matt says:

    I like how you don’t back down Tammy. Good job.

  5. Skeptic says:

    I thought you did a great job Tammy, you were being filibustered by the other guest.

    However your point was important, by the Dems having spent years creating their insular groups that they need to manipulate for votes. However, having groups go against each other is tearing them apart.

    You looked really classy tonight too Tammy.

  6. Soldier of Christ says:

    First, I want to say, that not only were you so professional on the Oreilly show, but, you showed class fencing that “terrible” african american woman with her ill-mannered interruptions. I, am like Juan Williams, being half colored I don’t see skin color, but, it annoys me when african americans jump on the word “white” as if it was a disease. As a half African American woman, I have been blogging for a very long time. I have tried to educate colored Americans to not vote for the color of skin but for the issues. Like Juan Williams, I failed.

    Yesterday I watched the news become more meaner to Mrs. Clinton, To not even allow her to enjoy her apparent win in WV, Mr. Obama has decided to take the bias liberal press with him to my state, Florida, to take the wind out of the WV win. It is sad. With all his associations, because you as a professional know that Mr. Obama has many secret things in his closet, these ties will never come to the surface. Most of the voters are not interested in the people that hate our country. Obama states in his book “. “The emotion between the races could never be pure….. the BLACK race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart.” “never emulate BLACK men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the WHITE MAN,- SON OF AMERICA,-that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself..”.
    IF A WHITE CANDIDATE HAD THOSE REMARKS OUT IN PRINT, THEY WOULD BE CRUCIFIED and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be all over the media threatening law suits.

    Unfortunately there is a double standard with the handling of Mr. Obama, and either the whites feel ashamed of their ancestor’s slavery or are just scare of the african american’s riots threats. I, hope that Mrs. Clinton stays in the race, and if not, get out of her party, the party that has betrayed her, stabbed her, and “threw her under the bus”. Maybe the Independence Party is the party she should be in and let all those wannabee men, like Kennedy, Kerry, Dean, Dodd, Edwards, and Richardson cry at the day she is sworn in.

    Great show you did with Oreilly, gal!

  7. LongviewCyclist says:

    Very nice.

    Good to see you in the ‘no spin zone’.

  8. flamethrower says:

    Had very mixed feelings watching the O’Reilly segment tonight. You were doing a totally adroit job of explaining the mess the Dems have gotten themselves into due to their duplicitous handling of the race/gender issues. The other gal was extremely rude, butting into your allotted time. And Bill, uncharacteristically timid, was allowing it. He should have manned up and told her that it was your time and to be polite and show you the same respect that you had given her. I couldn’t believe how he just sat there like a rubber tree plant and did nothing. But you were gracious and spot on in your analysis, as usual. It is so sad that we are unable to have a proper discussion of these issues.

  9. Jack Bauer says:

    USA — Mark Lamont-Hill is that quasi-Marxist loon, you mentioned.

    All that guy does is spout pure Marxist claptrap throwing in some sociological “jargon” to make himself sound like a professor.

    On last week’s O’Reilly he came out with an unchallenged whopper straight out of the Communist Party manifesto.

    White working classes have been fooled by the evil capitalists into voting against their own economic interests.

    Tanya Hackerman must have been working from the same hyped up, shout over manual, because I notice some of the same claptrap as used by Lamentable-Hill.

    I don’t buy the liberal Juan Williams’ analysis on many subjects, but the guy is a class act and makes his points coherently.

    I wish O’Reilly would put up Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, or Michael Steele against black hacks like these two lightweights.

  10. laughingatpinheads says:

    Trilogy of Terror Revisited:

    Watching Tammy “debate” that chattering fool of a woman on O’Reilly last night harkened me back to my youth and that 1975 made-for-tv movie classic “Trilogy of Terror.” Karen Black’s evil and horrifying nemesis was an African Zuni Fetish Doll that made her life a living Hell. Curiously, that demon doll and the woman from O’Reilly’s show have never been seen in the same room together…which leads me to believe that evil screeching demon doll may have a bright future as a Democrat strategist.

  11. shanti2140 says:

    Hello everyone:

    I’m confused – Sen Obama didn’t get the majority Black vote until much later on into the campaign. Not including this fact by deliberate omission implies he had the Black vote from the get go which is just as irresponsible. Can someone please explain to me why voting for Sen Clinton because she’s a women the lesser “sin” as it were than voting for Sen Obama because he’s black? I’m not asking to challenge but asking to understand. Thank you

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