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Changeapalooza Edition!


Where’s Global Warming when you need it?

The Vatican gets over itself, finally takes Jesus’ advice and forgives someone.

Space station’s new urine recycler has glitches

Self-explanatory Hillary Poll:

Online Surveys & Market Research

Barack Obama’s aides believe he has made a mistake in hiring Hillary Clinton

24 Movie and Season 7 Preview: “We Needed to Reset Jack Bauer”

Robert Davi joins us to talk about his new film “The Dukes.” Robert’s a great guy, it’s a great film, and deserves your support! Make a point of seeing it this weekend.

Here’s an L.A. Times article about Robert and the film: Tough guy/heavy Robert Davi reveals his musical side in ‘The Dukes’

Heidi Klum hurt herself doing a Guitar Hero commercial. She says she got whiplash and rug burns on her knees. Just for medical reasons, here’s the ad so you can decide for yourself how extensive her injuries might be. This may require you playing the ad a few times. I’m just sayin.

Here is the card-check ad CBS refused to air saying their audience would be “confused” about whether it was CBS programming or an ad because Nancy Pelosi’s face is seen it in. It seems obvious the problem is CBS doesn’t agree politically with the content and decided insulting its viewers was the thing to do instead of admitting the truth. Here’s the ad in question arguing to keep the secret ballot for unionizing.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Pathman says:

    24 listeners? That can’t be so.

  2. Pathman says:

    She needs some real experience so she can give up the myths.

  3. pat_s says:

    Hillary is not qualified for the job. Obama ridiculed her claims to foreign experience as having tea at the ambassador’s house. That’s about it. I hear people lauding her pick saying she’s met a lot of world leaders. Good grief, that is not a qualification for the position.

    She has never impressed me as having good judgment. She mismanaged the healthcare issue. She turned a slam dunk run for the presidency into a disaster. If we take her at her word, she did not even know her husband was diddling around. She’s not even a credible liar. In the aftermath of the Lewinsky affair she gave Bill the worst advice on how to manage the fallout.

    I think Hillary just likes being a big shot in the center of attention. Hence the mythomania. She must think being the one and only Secretary of State has more stature than being one of 100 senators. I suppose she’s thinking ahead to doing the world tour of mega bucks speeches after her stint at State is over.

    I have no idea just how bad she’ll be in the post. I don’t expect any good to come out of it.

  4. wilmac123 says:

    ok loks good to me…

  5. Pathman says:

    That video is hilarious with the audio turned down. She looks insane.

  6. Fox says:

    Clinton is a mistake, but not for all the reasons listed. People that stand between a Clinton and power (or could ptentially threaten it) tend to die in sudden and odd ways. If SCOTUS doesn’t intervene and Barky gets in office; I don’t want him to be martyred for the democrats by an unmotivated “assasin.”

    Hopefully there aren’t too many white-supremist ex-marines who defected to al-queda…

  7. AniMEL says:

    That Heidi Klum video is now on my favorites. Um…WOW.

    Honestly, I’d rather have Hillary as Secretary of State than Bill Richardson. He’s less dangerous in any other post. Little good can come of Hillary in this role, but there are far worse people he coulda picked.

  8. Piney says:

    With Hil in the ‘exalted position’ of SoS, she isn’t likely to make a 2012 run for president. That could be very good for the GOP.

    I agree her campaign for president was a disaster, she ran out of money (and she thought she could run the country??) She made a fool of herself with the poor chile southern accent and lying about running from bombs….. Bill was/is a hindrance, but he will always be ‘just Bill’.

  9. Dave J says:

    Secretaries of State do not become President (except Thomas Jefferson). What does concern me is that this looks like a “resume-builder” for Obama to eventually name Hillary to the Supreme Court.

    Oh, and as for Heidi Klum, she is really too much awesome hotness for words. Damn. 🙂

  10. Nonnie says:

    Honestly, I couldn’t see what the big deal was in the original. I’ve seen the commercial before for about a couple of weeks and I remember thinking the first time I saw it, “Oh yeah, NOW I see.” 🙂 Yet, even something else occured to me: that exactly the same body moves done by a man and a woman is perceived as sexy from whichever angle you may be looking, if you know what I mean. I wondered at that.
    Hillary has little true self respect I suspect.

  11. marleed says:

    How can anyone not see Democrat support for card-check for what it is? Democrats are constantly droning on and on about counting every (secret) vote. Sure, they don’t care if the voters are legal or dead (which may be why they want the votes to be secret)… It’s in their self interest that all votes be counted. When it comes to Congressional votes it’s also in their interest to have certain votes (like stripping John Dingell of his committee chairmanship)private. Card-check can only be seen as a tool invented by unions to benefit unions. Only unions or someone beholden to unions could support it.

  12. Dave J says:

    “Card-check can only be seen as a tool invented by unions to benefit unions. Only unions or someone beholden to unions could support it.”

    As is the purported “bailout” of the auto industry, which is really a bailout for the UAW rather than allow mergers and/or bankruptcy.

  13. marleed says:

    Dave J,
    “As is the purported ‘bailout'”

    You betcha!

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**This post will be updated throughout the show**


Rove, the man that helped destroy conservatism within the Repub Party, thinks we care what he thinks now.

ABC: The Secretary of State job is Hillary’s to turn down. And she should. Turn it down.

Newt and Jindal on CBS’ Face the Nation tomorrow. (HT Pat S.)

Sarah Palin decided to relax by the pool at that Repub Governors meeting in Miami. At first I thought, this isn’t ok, but then I remember that pic of Barkey running down the beach in his shorts. So if it’s ok for a man to be enjoying the beach or a pool, it certainly should be okay for a woman. So go girl! UPDATE: I had the pic up but due to peep complaints about it’s appropriateness (lack of) I have taken it down. As a compromise I will now link to its original home at TMZ so peeps can decide for themselves.

Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions By 2012

Time Notices Homosexuals’ Enemies List

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
21 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. LongviewCyclist says:

    No, you’re not the only gay in the village.
    Civil unions are peachy with me, too. I don’t need marriage, personally.
    Prop 8 was wrong. Not only unnecessary, but abominable.

    Here is one gay conservative denouncing the hypocrisy in the gay community

  2. LongviewCyclist says:

    Forgot to add, the straight folks who are afraid of ‘the gay agenda’ have my sympathy. The only things that should be taught in school are the three Rs, IMHO. And it’s not only straight people who have a serious problem with the militant liberal gays. That sort is only harming the gay community.

  3. whitney says:

    This Turkey, Karl Rove, never once mentioned Illegal immigration in his piece; and, it reminds me so much of McLame never once bringing this up in the campaign, because he knew hypocrisy as an issue when didn’t raise it, but how could he when he’s the idiot that offered the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill.

  4. ashleymatt says:


    I respectfully object to your displaying that picture of Gov. Palin.

    This is an intentionally unflattering tabloid photo of our Sarah. (Not to mention the fact that, as per usual for tabloid photos, you can’t even tell that it is truly her). Compare that to the candid smiling photos of Obama showing off for his adoring fans (the media).

    Of course, it’s not a bad thing that she was at the pool, but I don’t like that picture being put up all over the place to further disrespect her, make her look unprofessional, etc.

  5. pat_s says:

    The pic is not OK.

  6. imgoodthnks says:

    remember hilh & bill clinton wearing bathing suits.. i prefer Palin in her shorts short!

  7. marleed says:

    I’m ambivalent about the photo of Sarah. (talk about wishy washy!)

  8. whitney says:

    Wanted to gently remind you to post the link to the CEO you mentioned who predicted the “protests” by the middle class in the coming years; tried to google what I thought you said, but I must have heard it incorrectly; great show, and great prep, you did for us, today.

  9. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    I think that Hilly the Hun should take the Secretary of State job. It would tie the House of Clinton to the Messiah’s Thousand Year Reich. Obama and the Clintons deserve prison, but right now all that we can give them is each other.

    One of the greatest frauds of the 2008 elections (and it was an election full of them) was the illusion that the battle between the Hun and the Chosen One was over issues. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was nothing but a scorched earth episode of out-of-control identity politics. One side shrieked, “Vote for me, I have boobs.” The other screamed, “Vote for me, I have black skin.”

  10. daredevilaccordian says:

    A couple more Celente links… (if Alex Jones makes you batty like he does me):



    Celente has an impressive resume of accurate observations… I certainly don’t take his current interview lightly.

  11. Lamplighter says:

    Oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink…oink.
    (Translation: The pic of Palin wasn’t that bad. You had me thinking (hoping) she was in a bikini or something. The pic is blurry, she’s wearing a t-shirt from about 50 feet away. You can’t tell it’s her.
    But seriously, for those of you who are concerned about her due dignity, out of love and respect for this excellent individual, your hearts are in the right place, and I bow to your wishes.

    The gay blacklist. The ugly left. You’ll be tolerant or we’ll knock your teeth out! Feel the left wing love.

  12. Pathman says:

    “The ugly left. You’ll be tolerant or we’ll knock your teeth out! Feel the left wing love.

    Posted by: Lamplighter”

    Oh, you mean like “get in their faces” if they won’t agree?

  13. Nonnie says:

    It’s true that some gay people are doing wrong. Unfortunately intolerance breeds more intolerance. That is NO excuse and the gay people that ARE doing wrong need to stop for the sake of decency.

    The same article that is about some gay people doing wrong has a lot of ugly (obvious from straight people) comments who comprise the first line of intolerance.

    Come on now, gay people, don’t be whinners and surely don’t be criminals & disrespectful to old people and ESPECIALLY remember that most of them are comfortably ignorant. You give them fuel when you don’t proceed in a good manner.

  14. Nonnie says:

    AGREED! Hillary would be absolutely crazy to accept a position in this man’s administration! I think she has enough self respect (but who knows) to reject it.

  15. ladykrystyna says:

    I thought the picture was going to be of her in a bikini too. 🙁

    Nothing wrong with the picture. The fact is this: it doesn’t matter what she’s doing or what she’s wearing, the Left Wing hates her. In order for her not to be a target, she would have to disapper into the woodwork, which is exactly what they are hoping she’ll do.

    See, they know that she could become a force in 2012, so they are going to try and denigrate her as much as possible. If it were me, I would flaunt my intelligence and strength whenever I could, ON MY TERMS. Hit ’em with my smarts . . . right upside the head.

    I wonder if they’ll do the same thing to Jindal if he becomes more vocal? Or maybe not, because he’s a man.

    Again, it’s okay to be sexist, but not racist . . . hence THE ONE.

  16. NavajoSierra says:

    What I like about the Palin pic is that for me, and one of the traits I like about her, is that she is so normal, so everyday in some of her personal habits. Diet coke and chips in a t-shirt by the pool.

    Celente – I think we should take notes and plan accordingly. A friend of mine is an econ nerd who predicted this whole mess way before it happened, and he also projects a future landscape similar to Celente’s projection. I am a person who does not dwell in the negative, but I always have a Plan B ready to go. I suggest we all get in the Plan B state of mind.

    And while we are that state of mind, we ought to realize that econ nerds on Russia, China and Al Queda’s payroll also likely have an idea of this future america and the inherent vulnerability. Wisedom lies in practical, realistic thinking. Thus, I am happy to open this blog to an “obama cult free zone” status.

  17. naga5 says:

    very astute observation on sexism vs. racism
    i saw cnn this morning continue to bash palin on what they call her image rehab tour. for those guys, its not just victory, they feel the need to destroy.

  18. Dave J says:

    Celente appears to be a real-life version of Hari Seldon from Asimov’s Foundation series. If his psychohistory is equally correct, we need 1) to forget about being prepared for a new Great Depression, but rather to be prepared for a new Dark Ages and 2) to do everything possible to preserve, in secure places, remnants of civilization to pass on to the survivors when the worst of it is over.

  19. Tink says:

    I thought the Palin pic was going to be full bikini shot with the reaction it’s gotten.
    I don’t see the big deal.

    It’s just more “I am Sarah” material. Something the entrenched cretins in DC and the media don’t get. She’s a normal human being! (GASP!) and we all look like some version of that if we’re poolside.

    If it was taken and released to disparage her, it certainly did not accomplish that goal.

  20. ladykrystyna says:

    DaveJ – I read those Foundation books so long ago! Maybe I need to do a re-read!

    But seriously. I can admit that I don’t know Celente. I can admit that I’m a little skeptical of this “doom and gloom”, especially on a website that has a story by somebody about elitists killing 80% of the world’s population and then living forever, or whatever.

    I remain “cautious” at this point. Obama is not yet in office. From what we know of his past, there is a good chance he will “rule” from the Left. He owes a lot of people a lot of stuff and if he doesn’t deliver, they will destroy him and he’ll lose in 4 years. And that’ll really tick the Left off!

    But in 4 years there will be like a “Dark Ages”. I’m just not buying it. Trends you can see I suppose. But this is just “panic” stuff. There are so many things that need to click into place for such things to happen.

    So, again, I’m “cautious”, but not ready yet to put that tin-foil hat on. You, of course, may rely on me to join the resistance if it comes to that, but until then, I will continue on my merry way and see what happens.

  21. storytold says:

    There is nothing at all wrong with that picture. She looks pretty damn good for a woman in her mid-40’s! What happened to all the hetero female Tammy fans who were saying that Sarah was sexy and intelligent and they’d go gay for Sarah?! Why are they now saying they don’t like the pic?

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**This post will be updated throughout the show**


What happens in Vegas is closer to staying in Vegas.

Reprisals fear as Bali bombers executed

Barney, the last man with guts in the White House.


Not feeling that Obama love

Gays, blacks divided on Proposition 8

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
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  1. whitney says:

    Tammy you know the McCain, camp; McCain’s liberal appeasing ways, caught up with him. We conservatives got out and voted for that miserable McCain, not withstanding his non-conservative ways, all through the past 2 decades, along with enabling that pseudo conservative George Bush; let’s face it, McCain has already gone on record as wishing to help the Messaiah, be a success in the coming years….we are Effed….McCain is such a weak kneed reed, he’s letting that Palin person take all the MSM shots, and not defending her at all.

    Remember the Amnesty bill was named: McCain-Kennedy…..and it’s no damn wonder the conservatives didn’t turn out for McCain.

    It’s so chicken poop, that McCain hasn’t come out for Sarah Palin’s defense….she’s the only one who has stood up to the MSM and called the likes of Nicole Wallace a “jerk” and had the courage to tell them to their face; all the While McCain is hiding out in one of his 7 or ten homes he inherited along with his wife; Sarah hasn’t said anything but applauded that weak candidate; McCain…..he’s going to be on Leno, this next week….to what? Praise Ceasar?

    You can bet he’s not going to say anything lauding Sarah Palin who has stood up for that weak jerk.

    Let’s hear it for Sarah Palin she was the only good thing that came out of McCain’s candidacy.

    Oh, well; Glenn Beck was the first to identify Sarah Palin as his choice back 6 months ago; You know McCain’s daughter don’t let Sarah Palin just twist out there in the breeze by herself. And, McCain’s best buddy, Lieberman, is getting eaten alive by Harry Reid; the same fate that Sarah Palin is facing…while Yosemite Sam, “My friends” is enjoying a budweiser, and Sedona while Palin takes it in the face with every Campbell Brown, and Morning Joe, and MSNBC Keith Olbermann who wants to take as shot at Palin’s wardrobe. McCain, is no honorable person, now, he’s hiding under a rock somewhere in AZ.

    If he had any kizmachies, he’d make a public statement thanking her and recognizing the balls that she has compared to the ones they must have removed from him (Yosemite Sam) before he got into the race.

  2. Mutt Saxon says:

    Tammy, you are *my* messiah. You are certainly NOT an hypocrite.

    Proper ethics don’t come in degrees. It’s less (the argument) of what people think, than how often they arrived there.

    Principles are the only thing to judge a man by. Our society lacks discernment.

    Thank you! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! (curses wildly, and attracts negative attention)

  3. daredevilaccordian says:

    So you saw this, eh. http://www.broadcastingcable.com/CA6612617.html

    Let me preface by saying I have never been an Oprah fan. I have personally ALWAYS been completely turned off by her santimonious, self-important persona and narcissism and her “cult of personality.” Sound familiar?

    Based on the link, what do you think the chances are she is plotting for a turn to politics in the 2012 elections? Maybe Biden is already slated to step down and she will seal the re-election for The Misogynist, to repair his chauvinist misdeeds of the last few years. Of course he is already campaigning for the next one, and HillBill might have a chance unless he prepares now…

  4. NavajoSierra says:

    I am definitely not feeling that BO love, but I am getting better at stopping the intrusive gushers. This BO love is a disease that will eventually need a 12 Step Recovery program. It is kind of like a science fiction movie, a spin on village of the damned. As all of the babble goes on everywhere, all the time, the gushing over the one, I want to scream Shut up! Get a life! A neighbor stopped me in the laundry room tonight … “Did you watch the election returns on Tuesday,” he asked, grinning. “No,” I deadpanned. “Who won?”

  5. ffigtree says:

    Why is it okay for the Democrats to scream, shout, dance in the street, celebrate their victory but in 2000 and 2004 WE were mean sore winners forced to walk on eggshells and dare not breath a word of about the victor?

  6. Perry says:

    I know there are others who share my feelings about gay marriage. I wish these gay activists would stop protesting, ask for civil unions and leave “Marriage” for heterosexuals. Gays can make wills or other provision if there is a fear of family reprisal.

    In 1969, I “came out”. What a glorious, wonderful, secret society we had. We had to talk over and around straights and we loved doing it. We weren’t hated nearly as much as we are now. Just like having Obama shoved down our throats, that’s what gays activists are doing and straights don’t like it.

    Talk about a maverick, I love Sarah Palin and voted for John McCain, a REAL hero, and I’ve known I was gay since I was eight years old.

    Gay activists have hijacked the rainbow. Use your heads, be discrete, not everyone loves us.

  7. Lamplighter says:

    The criminal justice system didn’t give OJ Simpson what he wanted. I almost shed a tear.

    The Bali bombers were “happy to die as martyrs” yet appealed their convictions for the last 5 years. I wish we could carry out executions that fast.

    Dog bites reporter: naturally a Scottish terrier. Everyone is created equal, but we Scottish are a wee bit better.

  8. daredevilaccordian says:

    I found this passage while reading up on Hitler’s rise to power… found it very profound and sad, especially the sentence starting with “on the contrary…”

    The overwhelming majority of Germans did not seem to mind that their personal freedom had been taken away, that so much of culture had been destroyed and replaced with a mindless barbarism, or that their life and work had become regimented to a degree never before experienced even by a people accustomed for generations to a great deal of regimentation…. The Nazi terror in the early years affected the lives of relatively few Germans and a newly arrived observer was somewhat surprised to see that the people of this country did not seem to feel that they were being cowed…. On the contrary, they supported it with genuine enthusiasm. Somehow it imbued them with a new hope and a new confidence and an astonishing faith in the future of their country.

  9. Reeb says:

    Dang Perry , did you read my mind ??? I guess I am one of those out there that agree with you.

    I am out to those that matter to me and being that I live in California I voted for Prop 8 and for McCain / Palin.

  10. CarpeDiem says:

    Daredevil- you totally nail it with your last post. That is what is freaking me out. So many people are celebrating, they think this is the greatest thing in the world, ever. And I have this sick feeling of dread that we have no idea what we are in for – and I’m generally an optimistic person. I ask myself if most people just are unaware of what this kind of shift to European socialism will mean. They seem oblivious to what may happen – they either don’t know (thanks media for nothing) or they just don’t care. It’s the hard left that knows the truth.

  11. I do not think that African Americans who voted YES on 22 appreciated a court usurping their voting rights, and so they supported Prop 8. That community has a history of not being allowed their vote, after all.

    I will staunchly defend the rights and freedoms of gays and lesbians as I would anyone else. Everyone should be free to be themselves, to love the consenting adult of their choice, share lives together, live together, commit, make vows, celebrate, exchange rings, sign contracts, change their names, become domestic partners, and ask others to consider them married… or to live alone and not do any of that.

    But I do not believe in a right to a state-issued license, because I do not believe that true rights obligate others without their consent. I don’t believe ANYONE has a right to a marriage license, but that we as a people have chosed to license marriage in the bride-groom sense, in no small part because that is precisely the kind of voluntary personal relationship that might create a child, who does not have the ability to consent to the relationship. Otherwise, I think the government should stay out of voluntary personal relationships as much as possible. Domestic partnerships are good in that if a same-sex couple inherits children, due lets say, to the death of relatives, they can have that division-of-labor partnership that obligates both to the situation.

    Even if I supported changing marriage licensing so that the bride-groom requirement wasn’t there, I would still be leery of a court making that decision.

  12. SlimFemme says:

    I’ve been out to family and friends for almost 2 years. I’m not out at work. I do not think it’s anyones business at my job. But considering I will be laid off in about two weeks, it doesn’t matter anyway.

    That being said the passage of Proposition 8 is deeply disturbing to me. I don’t like the behavior of the gay community in California, I blame them for its passage. I’m hearing stories that they are blaming Mormons?!?! Please. I knew from the beginning that blacks and latinos were supporters of the bill. These groups are extremely religious. It’s all based on religious dogma.

    The Gay Community did a poor job in explaining why this was an unconsitutional law. This is what happens when people lack the intellecutal framework to state their case. Smearing people and using half-educated celebrities is not gonna do it!!

    This Prop 8 is a slap in the face of the Establishment Clause. It also goes against the Declaration of Independence, where Jefferson said “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”. Point blank, I’m sick and tired of states using these initiatives to abrogate the rights of a group. Our nation is not a democracy! We are a CONSITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. The founding fathers understood democracy is MOB RULE. And that’s exactly what happened here.

    The issue Playful Walrus is contracts! Consenting adults have the right to enter contracts and what the entails. This limits that option. I’m the last person that wants to be another group under the yoke of bureaucrats. My point is it should have never been on a ballot in California, Arizona, Florida or Arkansas!

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Barky insists we all are Our Brother’s Keeper. Except for his brother. Oh, and his aunt.

As the definition of “rich” and “middle class” keeps getting lower for the Obama campaign, they think it’s important you you’re selfish if you don’t want to give your money to the Feds.

John McCain To Appear on Saturday Night Live

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. hjo says:

    Let me get this right, if McCain and Gov. Palin want working citizens to keep more of their own money, what does that make him, That One, that won’t even help out his own family(1/2 brother and aunt) when in dire need?

  2. daredevilaccordian says:

    I won’t ruin it for youse guys on the left coast, but McCain is hilarious on SNL. Cindy is cute too. Tina is Tina, but it works with McCain and she seems even friendly towards Johnny Mac. He gets in some good swipes. Geez we really need him to be POTUS. He’s just a good man. And then there’s the other One, an enigma, a man without a past who wears a mask. Can we really do this? I am nauseus just thinking about it.

    Now I need to turn it off since it is NBC and Ben Affleck is now on… snoooooooze.

  3. syd says:

    OMG, McCain KILLED in the SNL opening. And Cindy makes an appearance. Can’t wait for you west coast peeps to see it. It’s worth staying up for, trust me.

  4. Pathman says:

    McCain was great, the skit allowed him some political digs and was very funny. In case you missed it, catch Ben doing Keith Olberman amd the backstage segments for the McCains and Sarah Palin.

  5. helpunderdog says:

    This came in my mailbox!

    Notice to All Employees

    As of November 5, 2008, when President Obama is officially elected into office, our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new, inspiring issues of change and fairness:

    1. All salespeople will be pooling their sales and bonuses into a common pool that will be divided equally between all of you. This will serve to give those of you who are underachieving a “fair shake.”

    2. All low level workers will be pooling their wages, including overtime, into a common pool, dividing it equally amongst yourselves. This will help those who are “too busy for overtime” to reap the rewards from those who have more spare time and can work extra hours.

    3. All top management will now be referred to as “the government.” We will not participate in this “pooling” experience because the law doesn’t apply to us.

    4. The “government” will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging it’s workers to continue to work hard “for the good of all.”

    5. The employees will be thrilled with these new policies because it’s “good to spread the wealth.” Those of you who have underachieved will finally get an opportunity; those of you who have worked hard and had success will feel more “patriotic.”

    6. The last few people who were hired should clean out their desks. Don’t feel bad, though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil for heating your home, free foodstamps, and he’ll let you stay in your home for as long as you want even if you can’t pay your mortgage. If you appeal directly to our democratic congress, you might even get a free flatscreen TV and a coupon for free haircuts (shouldn’t all Americans be entitled to nice looking hair?) !!!

    If for any reason you are not happy with the new policies, you may want to rethink your vote on November 4th.

  6. whitney says:

    Barkey, has another secret message from San Francisco: He is quoted as saying he’s willing to bankrupt the coal industry with his cap and trade…he said this in January 2008!!!

    What we didn’t know about this rat, and the american people still don’t know!

    Damn, we have enough coal to last the US until we are all dead; and there isn’t global warming. For crying out loud.

  7. lazybones344 says:

    A lot of important swing states are coal states. If only this could get out all day Monday in those states it could be the game changer! And I also read that it could cause skyrocketing electric bills for everybody.

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