How crazy are Jew-haters? Completely. Here’s a pic from yesterday’s pro-“Palestinian” rally demanding death to Jewish…juice. (HT LGF). Even the freakish Jew-hating Arab realized his sign was just a tad stoopid. Just above the word “Juice” is “Zionist” written in parenthesis. Just to make sure we know he’s only against that Jewish Juice.


[Note: I certainly don’t want to offend any Arabs out there, or call into question their literacy, but there is the possibility that the guy thinks Jews is spelled Juice. I do prefer, however, to think he simply hates grapefruit juice as much as I do.]

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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. There are a bunch of fraternity boys somewhere, laughing their butts off, struggling to believe how successful was their prank on that poor foreign student.

  2. Kelly says:

    I’ll bet this peace loving young man is just anti-Manischewitz. The juice in the wine turns his heart and mind to jihad. It has nothing to do with Jews or his illiteracy. No, not at all.

  3. RobK says:

    Yep, notice the little junvenile jihadi to the right of the Orange tree killer! Nice family outing.

  4. Rich B says:

    Maybe he just hate OJ Simpson. Or I guess he could be stupid….

  5. laughingatpinheads says:

    Hands off my breakfast you Islamic freak!

  6. Ripper says:

    Hey I love Concord Grape Juice!

  7. Kimj7157 says:

    Does this guy have three sets of hands???

    I think that trait is often accompanied by a spelling deficiency. How sad… .

  8. storytold says:

    Hmmm,perhaps the guy really does think it’s spelled Juice and some fellow Jihadi wrote the Zionist correction? Maybe?

  9. Memetee says:

    … and here is the tshirt…

  10. Idiot#3 says:

    Holding a sign encouraging muslims to murder Jews doesn’t qualify as free speech in the America I grew up in. What it is though, is an invitation to an ugly street fight. But the creep holding the sign knows the media will come to his rescue with non-stop reruns of his civil rights being violated if anyone confronts him, and eventual laws being passed that make his kind a protected class. That of course that’s why he’s doing it.

  11. CNYTammyFan says:

    “Read my sign. No new text is.” Was this on
    Al G Heara ? A (land) mine is a terrible thing to waste.

  12. Nick&Nora says:

    Some things about Israel I don’t understand. They’re the only sign of modern success in that region of the world(and therefore the only ancient success also); they accelerate in science, math, art, charity, taking care of their own, and EDUCATION. All this while all of their neighbors hate their very existence.
    The neighbors wake up in the morning and wonder how they can hurt and kill jews. That’s all that’s on their plate. Not their children, their sick or old.
    Why don’t the jewish people sell off the property and buy a chunk of, I don’t know, say Mexico, Oregon or Washington State, or a nice place in South America? Really, this could work. Move and don’t look back.
    They would find more time to do all they do well while taking time off from the senseless violent exchanges that won’t ever get better.

  13. Nick&Nora says:

    Some things about Israel I don’t understand. They’re the only sign of modern success in that region of the world(and therefore the only ancient success also); they accelerate in science, math, art, charity, taking care of their own, and EDUCATION. All this while all of their neighbors hate their very existence.
    The neighbors wake up in the morning and wonder how they can hurt and kill jews. That’s all that’s on their plate. Not their children, their sick or old.
    Why don’t the jewish people sell off the property and buy a chunk of, I don’t know, say Mexico, Oregon or Washington State, or a nice place in South America? Really, this could work. Move and don’t look back.
    They would find more time to do all they do well while taking time off from the senseless violent exchanges that won’t ever get better.

  14. Nick&Nora says:

    Some things about Israel I don’t understand. They’re the only sign of modern success in that region of the world(and therefore the only ancient success also); they accelerate in science, math, art, charity, taking care of their own, and EDUCATION. All this while all of their neighbors hate their very existence.
    The neighbors wake up in the morning and wonder how they can hurt and kill jews. That’s all that’s on their plate. Not their children, their sick or old.
    Why don’t the jewish people sell off the property and buy a chunk of, I don’t know, say Mexico, Oregon or Washington State, or a nice place in South America? Really, this could work. Move and don’t look back.
    They would find more time to do all they do well while taking time off from the senseless violent exchanges that won’t ever get better.

  15. Nick&Nora says:

    Some things about Israel I don’t understand. They’re the only sign of modern success in that region of the world(and therefore the only ancient success also); they accelerate in science, math, art, charity, taking care of their own, and EDUCATION. All this while all of their neighbors hate their very existence.
    The neighbors wake up in the morning and wonder how they can hurt and kill jews. That’s all that’s on their plate. Not their children, their sick or old.
    Why don’t the jewish people sell off the property and buy a chunk of, I don’t know, say Mexico, Oregon or Washington State, or a nice place in South America? Really, this could work. Move and don’t look back.
    They would find more time to do all they do well while taking time off from the senseless violent exchanges that won’t ever get better.

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