A post by Maynard

Gabi and Rivka Holtzberg
The late
Rabbi Gabi Holtzberg and his wife Rivka

You’ve heard the terrible details of the massacre in Mumbai by Islamic terrorists. The city’s Chabad House was targeted, along with major hotels and restaurants, a hospital and market, and the main train station.

Chabad is a large Hasidic movement of Orthodox Judaism. These days it’s based in Brooklyn, but it started in Europe over 200 years ago. The modern Chabad house began in Los Angeles in the 1960’s, and Chabad houses are now spread around the world. Mumbai Chabad House, a five-story building, has an educational center, a synagogue, and it offers drug prevention and hostel services.

These are the people who get targeted for murder. Take a moment to consider how telling this is. In light of the tensions and flare-ups between Pakistan and India, or between Muslims and Hindus, an attack on India from Pakistan isn’t in itself surprising. But for the raiding party to devote two of its ten assassins to torturing and murdering the only rabbi in Mumbai along with his wife…this boggles the mind. There’s no strategy or purpose here; it’s an act of raw, impersonal hatred. We see the face of an evil that defies rational comprehension.

I (Maynard) happened to have been checking out Chabad in recent days. Coming from a secular background, I’ve been trying to understand more of the Bible. To really “get” things, you need lessons to supplement the text. Someone suggested I take a look at the commentary from Chabad. For example, here is an interpolated translation of the chapter of Genesis dealing with Noah and the Flood. This is part of Chabad’s “Chumash Project”. You wouldn’t think this is the kind of endeavor that makes people need to kill you in horrible ways.

Chabad is more than Bible study. The Chabad Tube News Report videos are mostly lively and lighthearted.

It’s been observed that the Jews are the miner’s canary of the world. The Islamic terror that has hit so many nations started as a campaign against the Jews. There’s a lesson and a warning there, but the world prefers to close its eyes.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ripper says:

    There are times that I think that Islam is pure evil. I just read where the wife was pregnant.

  2. DamnWalker says:

    What can a civilized say about such hatred? Appeasers will say the hatred is “validated” by the treatment they murderers have encountered. Of course, we must never hold the murderous, uncivilized, brutal and backward religion of murder to any level of accountability. Unfortuantely, we in the west are condemned to dhimmitude already, because -as Sharansky accurately points out- we refuse to recognize evil where it exists and take a stand against it. Methinks there are many crocodile feeders among us who are condemning the rest of us to a miserable life of servitude or death.

  3. storytold says:

    Great post Maynard! You should read up on biblical prophecy,in your effort to understand the Bible. It’s really interesting and fits in perfectly with current world events. This is a good place to start…..


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