
Hey, since we can’t call it “Swine Flu” anymore I thought a still-evocative name would be good. My gratitude to my friend Chris for the number crunching 😉

Swine Flu, er the 90210 Flu: 331 cases worldwide.
World Population: 6,776,984,273

331/6,776,984,273 = *0.0000000488 % population affected*

Swine Flu, er the CountryJustUnderUSandCanada Flu: 141 cases in USA.
USA Population 306,330,380

141/306,330,380 = *0.000000460% population affected*

Yep, looks like we’re all gonna die.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    Great work on the figures. Even allowing for metasticizing, we can still risk a sneeze in an airplane.
    Well, it took our mind off the CIA proscriptions and eventual show trials, the bank leaching, ACORN, criminalization of the American Legion, AMVETS, (Boy Scouts?), the Knights of Columbus and DeMolay, and any number of ‘distractions’.
    This gang of pranksters know that Americans have the attention span of ants, so a crumb here, a crumb there, and we have a population witlessly running about, bumping into each other and getting no place; Madhatters, Hares, and head-lopping queens. Hold that image.
    Now think of scenes from 1775, 1776, Valley Forge, – a general kneeling in prayer in the sbow ,Trenton, Philadelphia…
    Ah faggedaboudit.

  2. Non Believer says:

    Since this flu strain has DNA from both avian flu and swine flu I think it should be called “The Flying Pig Flu”. It will only be dangerous when pigs fly.

  3. Sable007 says:

    In the interests of the dumbing down society – why not just Pig flu. No more big words and hard to remember stuff like h1n151 or whatever it is, or swine or avian or bird or b1rd.

    Or, maybe pay homage to the recent mutation and call it Mexico City flu or Montezuma’s revenge flu.

    Seriously, though, has any conspiracy theorist thought about how maybe the U. S. could be blamed – or, perhaps, a government move to lay the ground work for hysteria driven imposition of government controlled and rationed health care?

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