So to speak. I kid you not.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Maynard says:

    Just because Obama got rear-ended during his days of youthful ambivalence doesn’t justify the rest of us getting rear-ended by Bawney Fwank and his merry band of wannabe nannies. I’ll take my chances with Acme, thank you very much.

  2. braxis says:

    Did Obama call the insurance company of the guy whom rear-ended him?
    Last time I checked “Liability Insurance” is only for the people you hit – The agent was right to laugh at obama

    I doubt a liberal would have “full coverage” for a beater car

  3. thierry says:

    this guy graduated from harvard?

    see, barry ,the person who hits you pays for your damages. and if you’re like a big boy with long pants who can tie his own shoes and stuff and have a car worth it you get comprehensive coverage…

    and we’re suppose to be the morons who don’t understand barry and the rest of the liberals in government and their grand plans? how can a man who has no idea how even car insurance works formulate and explain health insurance bills? and why hasn’t it dawned on him that people do not usually buy expensive car and health insurance products because they can’t afford them not because they’re ‘gaming the system’ and ‘ not paying their share’?

    and the insurance companies are all evil but let’s force people to buy their unaffordable products. however does that make sense? the man is absurd.

  4. naga5 says:

    after watching the clip, i am astounded by the pattern of these statists.
    tell a story, which is usually apocryphal, and base policy in it.
    tammy, you were so right. these guys seem to check their brains and logic at the door and weep aloud over perceived injustices.
    listen, my wife and i raised three kids and i have seen this before. these clowns are children whining about ” that’s just not fair!” and our solution was the same. kids, work it out because you may not like our solution. and if this crap continues, our solution needs to be fire everyone in months that being in “N” and end in “ovember”

  5. k.nelson5047 says:

    Well, I have a personal story too!
    I am on medicaid and when I called the government to pay for the medicine that I needed for my flesh eating disease (it was disolving my flesh and turning it into jelly), the person on the phone said, too bad, we don’t pay for that drug anymore, it costs too much (over $5,000 per month). I was distraught and it was getting hard to push the buttons on the phone (my fingers were like jelly), but I managed to call Acme Insurance. Even though I didnt have an insurance policy with them and didnt pay any premium, they said they would pay for the drugs. If not for those drugs or Acme Insurance, I would not be able to write to you today! I might be on a peanut butter sandwich. I dont remember who I talked to and I dont have any documentation of any of this but its true!

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