A post by Maynard

We cover a lot of turf here, big stuff and small. But it seems to me there’s nothing bigger (or should I say, more important) than the debt. That’s the self-inflicted wound that’s going to do us in first. Soon enough our tax payments won’t even pay the interest on what we borrowed yesterday.

Aside from the practical impossibility of servicing endless trillions of dollars, there’s an overwhelming moral objection to the deficit. It’s our responsibility to give the next generation a clean start. Instead we’re selling them into servitude to pay for today’s cronies and boondoggles. And the people doing this argue that they’re acting under a moral imperative. The claim is absurd beyond belief. This shouldn’t be a question of ideology. I make the same demand of liberals and conservatives: The income must match the expenditures. This must be first priority, not last or even second. Otherwise we perish.

This is serious stuff, and repeating it puts me in a rotten mood. It shouldn’t be necessary to say such things that are so fundamental and obvious. The fact that Washington goes about its usual business, day after day, year after year, digging us ever-deeper into this hole, says a lot of bad stuff. Not just about our leaders, but about ourselves. We let it happen. What’s wrong with us?

But nobody wants to listen to a sourpuss. Even I don’t want to listen to me. Maybe this is the way to do it, with a bit of inspired goofiness. Here’s a video that seems to be getting a lot of play. This is from Ray Stevens, about whom I know nothing (I hope there’s no reason not to plug him). It’s a fun reminder of how far Washington has strayed from the path of common sense and decency. Maybe this bit of consciousness-raising will take us a step in the right direction. In any case, enjoy.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RuBegonia says:

    Maynard, Ray Stevens is safe…like the starry summer night, or snow covered winter’s day.

  2. dennisl59 says:

    Speaking of the Debt, Maynard.

    I like to refer folks to the CNBC show, ” ‘Til Debt Do Us Part”. It’s a 1/2 hour Canadian production so they call their water bill ‘hydro’ and the money looks funny. But seriously, 99.999% of the time when Gail the Advisor is asked for help by desperate, looking at divorce, married couples it’s the SPENDING that’s the problem not their Income. Now we’re talking MASSIVE amounts of consumer debt in the 10’s of thousands of dollars with extreme interest rates,that will bury them, and I mean literally, in poverty in 5 years(her standard timeline, btw) in the 100’s of thousands.

    They’ve raised their credit limits(debt ceiling) time and time again, and continue to spend and use cash advances, home equity loans, etc., right up against the limit everytime.

    Her first action is to cut their credit and debt cards in half and then run a strict ‘cash only’ household budget to properly align their Income to Expenses(What a concept! LOL!) with the goal of getting out of debt 2-3 years.

    But what Gail finds, interesting to me at least, is a “relationship” problem where the couples don’t communicate, ignore,or ‘punish’ the other person using spending as revenge, an emotional crutch, or are plainly ignorant and poorly educated about money matters and then try to ignore the final consequences until she shows them that, typically, they’re spending 2-3x’s their income, monthly. Why they look shocked cracks me up!

    This sounds eerily familiar to what the Federal Government does to the American Taxpayer. Promise to stop, but never does.

    Finally, Ray Stevens: His first hit song was “Ahab the Arab”; It reached number 5 on the Billboard top 40 during July 1962.


    posted 6/29 @1015pm Texas Time.

  3. strider says:

    Thanks Maynard. Ray Stevens nailed it. Perfect follow on to today’s Presidential brow beating. DC should think about shedding a few entire agencys and departments. Savings and a re-energized economy would more likely emerge.

  4. TheresaMC says:

    Ray Stevens…perfect he always makes me smile.

  5. A bit of an oldie utube video but this one seems to be always relevant:


  6. Cernunnos81 says:

    Ray is safe as houses… Not to mention funny. I grew up in TN, so I grew up listening to Ray. He goes Way back. Give him a look Maynard, you’ll be smiling and smiling.

  7. FrankRemley says:

    Maynard, if you’ve never heard of Ray Stevens then you have been culturally deprived all these years.

  8. 1ntbtn says:

    I wonder if Ray Steven really knew an “AHAB THE ARAB”. This one goes way back.

  9. wmdooley says:

    I’m descended from Jersey City blue collar types who couldn’t imagine the degree of irresponsibility shown by the ruling class today.

    I say, smite them, hip and thigh. They will not listen to reason.

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