One more bite at the big apple of liberalism–the banning of words on school tests because they might “appear biased” or “evoke unpleasant emotions” in students. Plain and simple madness. And people wonder why cities under the boot of liberal “leadership” are in such trouble.

Students in New York City’s public schools cramming for tests can delete words like birthdays, junk food, Halloween, dinosaur and even dancing from study lists.

References to such words have been banned from city-issued tests in an edict issued by the city’s Department of Education for fear the words could “appear biased” or “evoke unpleasant emotions” in students.

The department included the list of 50 banned topics in a recently issued request for proposals to companies interested in creating new versions of tests given to New York City students throughout the year to measure progress in English, math, science and social studies.

“Some of these topics may be perfectly acceptable in other contexts but do not belong in a city- or state-wide assessment,” reads the request, first obtained and reported on by the New York Post.
Dinosaurs, the Post reports, were banned because they reference evolution, which fundamentalist students might not agree with. Birthdays are not celebrated by Jehovah’s Witnesses and Halloween suggests paganism, so they are not allowed, and so is dancing because some sects object, according to the paper.
Also on the list of topics that companies are asked to stay away from are “creatures from outer space,” homes with swimming pools, computers, vermin, junk food, abuse, terrorism, divorce, any references to disease and holidays.”

A spokeswoman for the Department of Education told the Post the banned topics do not constitute censorship but a way for “students to complete practice exams without distraction.”

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. AniMel says:

    Good Lord…we are going to have an entire generation of kids who know nothing about dealing with negative emotions. They’ll be tomorrow’s leaders.

  2. Pat_S says:

    Tests universally evoke unpleasant emotions in students. I’m sure New York City public schools will eventually come to that conclusion, banning all testing. The NEA will be in the vanguard. Oops, maybe “guard” evokes unpleasant emotions in kids who have a parent or parents in prison.

  3. Shifra says:

    I think this whole thing is a *swell* idea! But they missed one thing: trigonometry. You know, sine, cosine….. I’m breaking out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. Heck, why not go “whole hog” and ban any mention of math! (Oh wait, that expression just offended some Muslims in Brooklyn)

  4. Shifra says:

    On a serious note, my sister works for the NYC Board of Education, (elementary school teacher) and after 9/11, all teachers were notified that they were forbidden from mentioning that the 19 terrorists were *Muslim* men.

  5. LucyLadley says:

    The lesson: “Always walk on Egg Shells”. Remember everything you say or do might offend someone or hurt their feelings. So “Step in Line”. Join the progressive government bandwagon. Do not get off of the bandwagon. Be a silent little pipsqueak mouse. (If you march to the beat of progressive government & do not get off their bandwagon, “We declare you will be happier.”) Do not let the 10 Commandments be your guide. …………TAMs, we are so fortunate to have each other in this battle! Ooops, I bet BATTLE is a “do not use word”.

  6. otlset says:

    “Okay class, you have today’s list of things we will no longer talk about. Be sure to bring home a copy and the teacher’s union at-home suggestions supplement for your parents.

    And now let’s all gather around class to sing our school’s song to Obama! All together now…

    Mm mmm mm!
    Barack Hussein Obama!

    He said that all must lend a hand,
    to make this country strong again.
    Mm mmm mm!
    Barack Hussein Obama!


  7. strider says:

    Looks like some NYC department desperately trying to justify their existence.

  8. sandyl says:

    On the face of this it is Ludacrist, because not only does this impede free speech, but it is also an attack on religion. Many of these words are “offensive” to people of various religions. So it instills the idea that religious people are strict, unyielding, intolerant people that might go “mad” at the mere mention of Halloween, etc.The solution then will be to ban religious talk & religion altogether.

    Once again the irony (& idiotcy) of the left is on full display. How does the tolerant left teach children to be tolerant of others? By being intolerant of free speech of course. After all it’s for the good of the children.

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