
Let’s just say that Bill/Hill will *not* be on DWS, any time soon.

And not sure about Hillary’s two-step. Kinda looks like some sort of Middle-Eastern hora.

Or something.

Via Weekly Standard:

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17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. deaves1 says:

    This must have been before her adult beverages after which she’d be up on the tables dancing. Or is that only in third world countries and while in official capacities.

  2. Alain41 says:

    Boogie, hey hey y’all boogie down, baby
    Boogie down, boogie down, baby
    Ooh, have mercy

    Boogie ooh, huh, huh, huh, huh
    Boogie down, baby
    Boogie down

  3. jmm says:

    OMG i couldn’t watch it! I did observe that Bill was watching someone off to the side, not looking at Hillary for a long time. Ummm some poor unsuspecting female guest? Their attempt at dancing reminded of Elaine”s infamous dance routine on Seinfeld.

  4. patriot67 says:

    This was just wrong. Rhythm(less) Nation.

  5. Piquerish says:

    What the heck is this? Work Release at the Appalling?

  6. hektor says:

    Why wasn’t The Hillary wearing a dress?

  7. robscaffe says:

    And I just ate dinner. My head is swimming, think I’m going to throw up, and I’m beginning to see dead relatives…..

    Thanks Shifra!

  8. midget says:

    What you missed is the mad dash to the table with the purell after they stopped holding hands.

  9. Kitten says:

    ROFL! That dance was for the “over 70” crowd. Could Bill have been any farther away from Hills? He looked to be gawking at the woman dancing beside him. How uncomfortable was that whole scene?

  10. DAVID says:

    Hillary is not much of a dancer.

  11. Alain41 says:

    In what passes for a MV roadside farm stand, at the end of article on little seen mysterious Obama on MV (happens to play a lot of golf) is info. on roadside farm stand that sells peaches for $8 to $10 per peach (they’re flown in from Calif.). If that is what passes for a farm stand on MV, no wonder liberals think $15 min. wage is appropriate, that’s only 1.5 peaches. Also, verrrrry climate change friendly. Why get local produce when you can fly it in from Calif.

  12. strider says:

    Guess that’s all she has left after after keeping the fiction of being a public servant afloat for half a century.

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