This post will update through the day.

As I predicted, there will likely be a ‘deal’ on the budget and debt ceiling. After Sunday’s little confab between Urkel, Boehner and Cantor, what do you know! Suddenly there’s new life to a deal in the Senate:

Democratic and Republican senators are rallying behind a $3.7 trillion deficit-reduction plan announced Tuesday morning by the five remaining members of the Gang of Six.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), who pulled out of the Gang of Six in May, has rejoined the group and praised the plan as something that could win the 60 votes needed to pass the Senate.

“The plan has moved significantly, and it’s where we need to be — and it’s a start,” Coburn said. “This doesn’t solve our problems, but it creates the way forward where we can solve our problems.”

Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.), in saying he would support the gang’s plan, added: “There’s a lot of support for turning the gang into a mob.

“Count me in,” he said. “I’ve long held this is what we need to do. The credit agencies are saying it’s not enough to take care of the debt limit. We have to take care of the long-term fiscal scenario.”

Coburn said the plan would reduce the deficit by $3.7 trillion over the next 10 years and increase tax revenues by $1 trillion by closing a variety of special tax breaks and havens.

As we’ve already experienced, nothing this president or Congress tells us ends up being true. Numbers change (dramatically), bills aren’t read, and the status quo continues on.

I realize those who met with Obama on Sunday privately are Republicans in the House and not the Senate, which simply confirms this is a GOP plan on concert with Obama. What could go wrong?

This now puts the onus on the Republicans (read Tea Party) in the House to capitulate to the liberal gestapo in both parties and removes any ability for conservatives to manage this issue for the benefit of the nation.

Thanks GOP!

Of course he does. Obama backs ‘Gang of Six’ debt plan

Liberals see opportunity for big cuts in defense; Push for troop, arms levels after Cold War

CNN: Gang of six rolls out debt proposal

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14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jap81 says:

    Hi Tammy,

    When is Bristol going to be on the show? : )

  2. Maynard says:

    I’ve got some respect for Sen. Coburn. If he’s on board, it may be that things have taken a step in the right direction. (This is obviously a catastrophe any way you look at it, and I’m not saying “a step” is enough to save us. But in a world that refuses to do the right thing, maybe I should struggle to remember that a step in the right direction is better than a step in the wrong direction.)

    • JEN says:

      I don’t know if anyone caught this … this afternoon more than a dozen GOP conservative congresswomen got up on the house floor and rallied in regards to the Debt ceiling issue
      Some were talking about how things of this nature were decided around the families kitchen table…Sound familiar, or just coincidence..?
      One of them Kristie Noem from the Dakotas looks and speaks like someone
      we all know… SP & AW 2012…nothing else follows
      PS: with all the conservative women on the house floor today where was all the GOP men ???

  3. strider says:

    The cartoon says a lot. Statements like this —

    “would reduce the deficit by $3.7 trillion over the next 10 years and increase tax revenues by $1 trillion by closing a variety of special tax breaks and havens.”

    — seem meaningless. Must be a fortune teller on every block in DC. Maybe they’re trading predictions for peas.

  4. niner says:

    Tammy I havent heard you weigh in on Bill Mahers vile disgraceful comments on Sarah and her family the other night on HBO. This parasite and his useful idiots Savage, and the other guy with the porn mustache really crossed the line, as Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban sit there and laughs.

    • ReardenSteel says:

      Niner, Michael Savage was on Bill Maher? I hope not, I have heard him tear Maher to shreds on radio. Savage is not a fan of Palin though. Seems like no one is except tea partiers, old school fiscal conservatives, and of course TAMS. 🙂

      • Tammy says:

        Actually, it wasn’t Michael Savage (which is the first person you think of, of course, when you hear that last name!) It was some gay columnist from San Francisco. Totally different person, to say the least.

      • niner says:

        Oh, no it wasnt Michael Savage, he despises Bill Maher and HBO. This Savage needs a good old fashioned whoopin LOL. Michael Savage though, apparently has had it with Michelle Bachmann, apparently he feels she has been told not to go on his radio show, so he lost his crush on little miss- mini- me.

  5. 3livesleft says:

    Oh yes, I thought it might be him: Dan Savage. He has been writing a syndicated column called Savage Love for years that’s a combo of horoscope and Dear Abby but completely irreverant, quite funny and usuually aimed at young urbanite hipsters in Seattle, San Fran and Los Angeles. He’s soooo liberal, but I have to say, quite smart and witty. It’s a shame peeps like him automatically write Palin off. We have to get him to see The Undefeated!!

    • 3livesleft says:

      These days, sadly, he has become immature and deplorable when lashing out at politicians who don’t share his views. Even more reason to see a film that shows effective ways to stand up for what you believe in.

  6. niner says:

    Does anyone know why Laura Ingraham contiues to diss Sarah Palin, today when talking to David Limbaugh about candiates Sarahs name comesup briefly, Laura says why do we continue to talk about Palin, shes not running, and then shockingly Limbaugh says I dont know what going on with her, he seemed to be in her corner a couple of weeks ago. Limbaugh did say That he thought Bachmann was unelectable, and said he is interested in Perry. I dont know why Laura Ingraham is always dissing Palin,it may go back to Palins support of Kelly Ayotte, and Laura was for the other candidate. Laura has changerd.

  7. niner says:

    This Laura Ingraham deal has become a hot button issue over at C4P, one commet by someone said that maybe Laura Ingraham is jealous Tammy Bruce got chosen in the movie Undefeated, instead of Laura. Alot of opinons floating around, it would be interesting to hear what Tammys take on it is.

  8. AniMel says:

    Of course the Big O would support that plan…he could just cut half the military’s budget when he needed to raise the debt ceiling and liberals would hail him as the second coming of Clinton.

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